For the curious. Old and New.
Raw foods and raw recipes are becoming increasingly popular as more people discover the tremendous benefits of eating raw foods. In addition to the increased vitamins, minerals, and enzymes provided by all natural raw foods, many studies are showing that raw foods may help people lose weight, avoid diseases, and slow down the aging process.
Everyone has heard of the battle against hidden sugar such as high fructose corn syrup and the unhealthy fats in processed foods. Raw foods are one area of nutrition where you will never have to worry about those harmful fats or hidden sugars again. Raw foods contain nothing harmful and instead are all natural and necessary to good health. Because raw foods are so easily digested most people can switch from eating only cooked foods, to eating mainly raw foods with no problems. Most people that eat all or mostly raw foods report that when they go back to their old way of eating the same old issues such as digestive problems and fatigue return.
Raw foods provide the tools your body needs to produce useable energy. This means you have more energy to keep up with your life and increased vitality to enjoy your activities. The most exciting benefit of eating raw foods is the healing that results. People have not only lost weight but also got rid of allergies that are caused by food sensitivities, which were difficult to pinpoint when eating only cooked food. Diabetics may find that their disease is much more manageable when eating raw foods only. Whole organic raw foods can aid those with heart problems immensely. People with high cholesterol, heart disease and other heart issues can give their body precious resources to begin the healing process. The number one benefit of raw foods is the high intake of fiber. Fiber aids digestion, the immune system and can improve overall health. Also, raw foods can slow the appearance of aging on the skin and give the skin a smoother, healthier appearance.
Some of the benefits are immediate, like increased energy, relief from constipation and other digestive troubles. While other benefits take a while to show up, but can lead to long lasting changes in health, such as a boosted immune system and younger looking skin. If you are thinking about exploring raw foods and raw recipes you can start by simply adding more raw fruits and vegetables along with raw sprouts to your daily diet. From there try to incorporate a couple of raw food meals into your diet weekly that include raw legumes and grains too. You likely will enjoy the change of pace and feel a little extra energy. Even if this is as far as you go it is still a step in the right direction for your health and overall longevity. Most likely, you will love the change in how you feel and want to eat more raw foods.
Another benefit of raw foods that most people do not realize is that the change in eating habits can help decrease your grocery bill. When you focus on eating raw foods you tend to seek farming co-ops and farmers markets you never heard of before, where your fruit and vegetables are much cheaper. There is a whole community of raw foods enthusiasts online and in most every state that can offer helpful advice on getting started. The Internet is a great resource for finding the most delicious raw recipes, from salads, appetizers and entrees to desserts and snacks. Try it!