Dagger's New eBooks Now Available for Download Online!
Raw Food Masters Class, and, Not Milk? Going 'NUTS' for Milk the High Vibe Way, are both available for purchase for only $15 on the new High Vibe website!
Raw Food Masters Class
Whether you’ve already decided a live raw food diet is for you and need some help diving in, or if you’re just curious about this fascinating way of eating with so many excellent benefits, you’ve come to the right place.
With years of experience leading beginners into what can seem like a very confusing new world of raw and live food, we know exactly how to help you navigate your way into a healthier, more vibrant, and lighter diet; and we know what pitfalls and obstacles you’ll face and how to help you through them.
We’ll first talk about the benefits of the raw food diet, we’ll go through the basics of how the food is prepared, and we’ll walk you through some of the ways to implement your new lifestyle or just test the waters. Along the way we’ll offer suggestions on how to handle the highs and lows you’re sure to experience as your body adjusts to all the fantastic live food you’ll be feeding it.
And ultimately we’ll help you to trust your intuition, the same intuition that has led you to be curious about live food in the first place.
In this book you will find:
- A thorough and engaging introduction
- Tips on sprouting, blending, dehydrating and juicing
- Advice on tools & equipment
- Dozens of brilliant recipes, menu plans, and grocery lists
- A special section on superfoods
- Tips on dealing with other people's attitudes against raw foods
- Words of wisdom on overcoming common raw food challenges and maintaining balance
- Plenty of quick tips, insider's advice and poignant quotes on nutrition and more from some of history's great thinkers
“He that takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes the skill of the physician.”
"Shall I not have intelligence with the earth?
Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould?"
"Gentleness is powerful!
So be gentle and change the world."
Not Milk? Going 'NUTS' for Milk the High Vibe Way
With over 80 delicious recipes bursting from between it's covers, Robert Dagger's definitive guide to nut milks will set you up with a vast repertoire of milks fit for any feast! Nut milks are soaked nuts or seeds that are blended up with water, spices, and other optional ingredients to create a thick and creamy liquid that is about 4000 times more delicious and more easily digestible than cow's milk! Plus, you get all the incredible health benefits of nuts, AND a super tasty elixir to pour over cereal, transform into raw ice creams, or use as a base for dressings, shakes or smoothies. Yum!