Check out this Time Magazine article about Raw Milk.
Just another case of the government trying to take away our right to choose and wasting tax dollars on investigations that steal our liberties!
It pains me to read about and be subjected to this kind of government abuse. In this article, it is stated that U.S. health authorities linked 30% of 168 disease outbreaks from dairy between 1900-2004 to raw dairy products, but what the article fails to illuminate is that this means that 70% got sick from pasteurized dairy! That's 3 times as many! They also fail to mention the thousands of people whose health benefited from raw dairy products during that time, and those that were cured from disease by consuming these foods.**
Why is the government suddenly so interested in shutting down these dairy farmers? Is is because they are concerned about the public's health and well being? Not likely. Big business and banks make money on obliterating family farms to make way for factory farms, and on selling processed, pasteurized, hormone and antibiotic injected foods. They make virtually no money from people buying and selling raw dairy products.
The raw (anyone remember when all 'normal' dairy was raw?) dairy farmers are not deceiving the public, they are very plainly exhibiting what is in their products. Those who buy them know that they are not pasteurized, as they also know that they are rich in probiotics (healthy bacteria) and enzymes, which are essential for digestion. Dairy farmers, by law, do not have to declare any part of their production process, including that they use hormones or antibiotics or other medicines, toxic substances which are ultimately transferred to the consumer. Hypocrisy once again.
(**And how many thousands of farmers and their family members likely fell ill and died or committed suicide after the banks foreclosed on their family farms and houses and they were left with nothing? Sure, on the surface this seems like a completely different story, but for me it is the same. The government and big business would say that these people made a choice to use their credit cards and to get loans that they couldn’t afford but in how many cases was this really a "choice" for them, did they have any other options?)
It sickens me how greedy and corrupt humans can be and the farther we seem to get from reason.
praise and be amazed
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