Have a website or a blog of your own?
Make easy money -- Join our affiliate program today!
Here's how it works:
1.) Apply for our affiliate program here.
2.) Once you are approved, login to your Affiliate Control Panel and upload High Vibe banners and ads of your choice (such as the one below) to your own website.
3.) Each time that someone clicks on our banner from your website and then purchases something from us, you make 10% of the sale!! Once you accumulate $50 or more, we send you a check!
Really, it's that easy!
Join Here Today!
**ATTN: Previous High Vibe Affiliates: If you have been a member of High Vibe's affiliate program in the past and would like to be again, we ask that you please re-apply. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you.