Doing a Gallbladder and Liver Flush can have amazing
rejuvenative affects on your body!
Years of taking in toxins from polluted water and air and less than optimal food and drink can tax our cleansing organs to the point that they become clogged, sluggish and unable to process efficiently.
As stated by cleansing expert Andreas Moritz, "Most adults living in the industrialized world, and especially those suffering a chronic illness such as heart disease, arthritis, MS, cancer, or diabetes, have hundreds if not thousands of gallstones (mainly clumps of hardened bile) blocking the bile ducts of their liver."
The cleanse essentially 'presses the re-start button' for your liver, moving out all of these old unprocessed stones that are clogging your system.
What results can you expect?
Increased Energy
Clearer Skin
Brighter Eyes
Higher Metabolism
Stronger Immune System
-Oxy Mag 8 oz
-Ultra-Phos Liquid 60 cc
-High Vibe OmniZimes 150 VeganCaps
-Malic Acid 90 caps
-Swiss Kriss Herbal Laxative 250 tablets
-Olio Beato Organic Cold Pressed Olive Oil 17.5 oz
-Cold Pressed Castor Oil 8 oz
-Wool Flannel for Castor Oil Packs
Give your body the chance to heal itself, do a Gall and Liver Flush and feel amazing!
For free instructions on how to perform your Gall and Liver Flush, check out our article "4 Day Gall and Liver Flush."
**If you would love more information on the subject, Andreas Moritz's book "The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush" is a great resource.
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