This delicious "Chocolate Peanut Butter" pie, adapted from Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine by Gabriel Cousens, M.D., uses raw almond butter and wild jungle peanuts in place of the common hybridized, aflatoxin loaded ones. This amazing dessert is sure to make you go MMMM!
2 C raw pecans, soaked
1/2 C raisins, soaked
2 T raw carob powder
2 t cinnamon
1 t nutmeg
Process all ingredients in a food processor with the "S" blade until a dough-like consistency is obtained. Press into a 9" glass pie pan and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Filling, Layer 1: Sweet "Peanut" Butter
1/3 C water
1/2 C raisins, soaked
2 t Himalayan salt
1/2 C wild jungle peanuts, finely chopped, (optional--for a chunky texture and more peanut-y flavor)
Process all ingredients in a blender including the soak water until creamy. Spread mixture into pie pan.
Filling, Layer 2: Chocolatesque Sauce
1 C raw carob powder
1 C water
1/2 C olive oil
1/2 C raisins, soaked
1 t spirulina
1/2 t Himalayan salt
Process all ingredients in a blender including the soak water until creamy. Pour sauce over peanut butter. Retain 1/2 cup.
Filling, Layer 3: Coconut Cream
2 C coconut pulp (available in our store, but not online)
1 C coconut water (available in our store, but not online)
1/4 C raisins, soaked
1 t Himalayan salt
Process all ingredients in a blender including the soak water until creamy. Pour 2 C of coconut cream over the Chocolatesque Sauce. Pour 1/2 C Chocolatesque Sauce into the center of the pie in a circular shape. Using a chopstick, slowly swirl the sauce into a spiral shape. Dust with carob powder and refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.