FLU FLY A Smart Nutraceutical!
FLU FLY is a blend of organic botanical extracts. Both the individual extracts and the whole product have undergone extensive research proving them to have powerful antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, as well as antibiotic and antiseptic properties. Tests in petri dishes in vitro were conducted on Streptoccocus, Staphyloccocus, Pseudomonas strains, Candida albicans, chemtrail bacteria, Aspergillus, and it is believed to be effective against Anthrax and Botulinum and many other strains as well. Test results in the laboratory have shown efficacious lysing of bacteria and funguses in an hour or less. It's anti-viral and virucidal properties in common colds have shortened the recovery into several days instead of weeks.
In a research study of five hundred volunteers with flu and/or HIV FLU FLY quickly diminished the opportunistic infection and all volunteers recovered without the use of antibiotics.
It has also been shown that every time a smoker wants a cigarette, administration of FLU FLY at the precise moment of desire would cause certain individuals to stop smoking after about 30 days. It is also reported to be effective in ear infections.
Available in 1/4 or 1/8 oz dropper bottles.
Get Flu Fly at High Vibe today!