Yeah I went there. I love to hear people who would normally never buy something healthy come into the store and say they heard something on some tv or radio show and want to know more. Or tried something at a restaurant and thought wow this is really cool. Chia seeds have been coming into the spotlight again and I have been talking about them a lot!
Chia seeds can be taken in a spoonful or you can put them in your smoothies or my personal favorite a chia seed pudding. Chia seeds plump up to about 9 times their size and act as a sweeper in your intestines. They help in making you feel fuller longer. Nutty-tasting whole-grain chia seeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, and they have among the highest antioxidant activity of any whole food -- even more than fresh blueberries. And they do good stuff for the body, like keeping blood pressure and blood sugar under control.