We Got the Ultimate, Hard-Core, No Holds Barred Probiotic. Cleansing, Immune Boosting*, Nutrient-Creating, Unique Whole Food Prebiotics Greatly Magnify Potency*, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Implantable Species, Significantly Improves Digestion and Assimilation*.
A natural synergy of: • Acid-resistant • Ultra-stable • Ultra-high potency • Implantable • Survivable • Whole food prebiotics (NO isolates) that greatly magnify potency and healthy growth.* • Feeds on toxins and detoxifies them • Enhances digestion and nutrient assimilation • Actually create nutrients such as vitamin B-12, enzymes and neurotransmitters (the gut is your second brain) • Significantly supports immune function.* • Supports elimination of candida and unfriendly bacteria*
Whole Food Synergists: Yacon and Burdock provide powerful phytonutrients and inulin growth medium (not isolated FOS) that significantly magnifies potency. Marshmallow & Kelp provide mucilagenous probiotic acid protection. Marshmallow supports protecting & rebuilding the intestinal lining from leaky gut. Kelp provides detox, heavy metal chelation, full spectrum minerals + mannose & fucose for immunity*.