Some of us already know why coffee ground enemas are beneficial but every once in while we need a reminder. That's the best of the store, constantly getting asked different questions allow me to remember things that are part of my memory bank but not in everyone elses.
Dr. Gerson the man famous for the Coffee enema explains it thoroughly in his book The Gerson Therapy.
He states the benefits are as follows..
"Introducint a quart of boiled coffee solution into the colon will accomplish the following physiological benefits:
- It dilutes portal blood and, subsequently, the bile.
- Theophylline and theobromine, major nutraceutical constituents of coffee, dilate blood vessels and counter inflammation of the gut.
- The palmitates of coffee enhance glutathione S-transferase, which is responsible for the removal of many toxic radicals from blood serum.
- The fluid of the enema itself stimulates the visceral nercous system, promoting peristalsis and the transit of diluted toxic bile from the duodenum out the rectum.
- Because the stimulatin enema is retained for up to fifteen minutes, and because all of the blood in the body passes through the liver nearly every three minutes, coffee enemas represent a form of dialysis of blood across the gut wall
So now you know.
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