My mom makes yogurt and I used to love watching her make it and seeing the science behind the fermentation and the changes. You can still have yogurt and use it in the same traditional manner with granola, smoothies,etc.
Here's how!
Get yerself some young thai coconut meat (3-4 cups), filtered water or coconut water, kefir starter, and 1 quart jar with lid. Keep in mind since you are fermenting you want to have the jars, lids,etc sterile! Bad bacteria can really make a bummer outta your batch.
1. Place the coconut meat in a high-power blender and add just enough filter water to create creamy pudding.
2. Transfer to a mixing bowl and stir in 1/2 packet of kefir starter and pour into the jar. You may use a smaller jar, but be sure to allow few inches at the top for the yogurt to expand.
3. Let ferment for 7-10 hours at room temperature (72-75F)
Keep sealed in the fridge for up to 3 days, if it even lasts that long!!!
Thanks to Judita Wignall's book Going Raw for this great recipe!!!!!