I think today the number one word I have heard is BLOAT! I feel as though it's like Pee Wee's playhouse where it's the secret word and everyone should scream when you hear it! But instead I just smile and repeat what I have said for YEARS and it appears a gazillion times today.
What is it that I say you ask? Well ....drum roll please...have you ever tried our enzymes? Every High Vibe affectionado has fallen in love with them. New York Times published about them. So it's no secret but what's so great about them? Why do I need them are normally what follows after my suggestion.
First off, our lovely little body requires enzymes to digest and we lose them in cooked, processed, irradiated, genetically - engineered, chemical treated or grown in mineral depleted soil foods. Folks who have destroyed certain organs that help with digestion with poor diet, autoimmune or through medical treatments also have trouble attaining the proper amount of enzymes to help with metabolism.
Second off, we screw up! Sometimes Grandma's apple pie is just what you are gonna eat. It's ok. Oh shoot now you feel sick. Again, it's ok..take a couple of omnizymes and that tummy ache BLOAT is going to subside a lot faster.
Third off..our Omnizymes are 100% living food based blend of plant enzymes. Will Support the body by reducing gas, bloating, indigestion and stomach acidity.13 Different Enzymes pH balanced and remains active throughout stomach and intestines.
If you need a 4th then..cuz i said so.