We started carrying a NY Original Food Truck Amaze Pants Raw Extroadinare The Squeeze Products. Yes, we needed that many adjectives. We have their FUNonion rings which may be the greatest treat to have on anything you can come up with salad, veggie burger, or just crunch it away alone. POPCORN yes raw popcorn! Spicy, sweet and perfect to hide away in your bag for the movies! And of course we would be cruel if didn't mention the yummy Granolas we got in! Coconut granola and Chocolate Granola or to be proper Squeezola! This is a good reason to wake up in the morning or afternoon or snack in general!
And if you come by the store we have the slighlty cooked quinoa kale salad that is the greatest meal to have full of protein and vitamins to push you through the day!