It's little joke amongs healthcare professionals that no matter what it all comes down to the poo. You can go through open heart surgery and the first thing you worry about is that you can't have a bowel movement! So many folks don't like senna based products or the otc drugs but it seems like no one knows about the amazing TRIPHALA!
Triphala ("three fruits"), an herb originating in India, has been found to act as a complete body cleanser. Not only does Triphala help to detoxify and cleanse the colon, it also purifies the blood and removes toxins from the liver. Other cleansing benefits of Triphala include reducing some forms of cholesterol (serum cholesterol), and reduces high blood pressure.
Triphala is categorized as a purgative form of laxative, i.e. an herb type of intestinal stimulant that works similar to Senna and Rhubarb. Purgative preparations are often needed by people who have certain degrees of liver and gall bladder congestion. As Triphala is known as a cleaning agent, including a blood cleanser, the herb is very beneficial for these people. The herb also has a high nutritional value, including high levels of vitamin C.
Triphala, said to contain three different 'fruits' is well known in ancient Indian folklore, and is widely used by natural healers experienced in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, which literally translated means 'long life practice'. The fruits, Harada, Amla, and Bihara, relate to the three sections or 'humors' of Indian medicine.
- Amalaki (emblica officinalis), commonly known as Indian gooseberry or amla, is considered one of the best rejuvenating herbs in Ayurveda. It’s a strong natural antioxidant containing 20 times more vitamin C than orange juice. In India, amalaki is known as the “nurse herb” because it strengthens the immune system and cools the body, balancing the Pitta dosha.
- Haritaki (terminalia chebula) has the strongest laxative powers of the three fruits contained in triphala. In Tibet, haritaki is so highly revered that in their sacred paintings, it’s often depicted in the extended palm of the medicine Buddha. The herb also has astringent properties and balances Vata.
- Bibhitaki (terminalia belerica) is an excellent rejuvenative with both laxative and astringent properties. It eliminates excess mucous in the body, balancing the Kapha dosha. In addition, bibhitaki is a powerful treatment for a variety of lung conditions, including bronchitis and asthma.
Other Benefits of Triphala include:
- Improves digestion,
- Reduces serum cholesterol,
- Improves circulation (potentiates adrenergic function),
- Contains 31% linoleic acid,
- Exerts a marked cardio-protective effect,
- Reduces high blood pressure,
- Improves liver function,
- Has proven anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties,
- Expectorant, hypotensive