Majestic Garlic is at it again! Well actually they have been at it we are just adding to our shelves one of their delightful snacks. RAW PICKLED GARLIC WITH CAYENNE! I mean come on! Talk about a combination of amazing. We are also Carrying the Pickled Garlic With Curry!
Hailed by many as Nature’s Wonder Drug, garlic is a versatile plant which is loaded with nutrients and contains a plethora of health benefits. From anti-oxidants to disease fighting agents, garlic’s remedial abilities are matched only by its culinary qualities.
It is no coincidence that garlic, throughout history, has been a prevalent source of home remedies and recipes for cultures worldwide. While containing essential vitamins and phytochemicals, garlic also has a unique flavor which continues to be a popular and healthy means of enhancing taste and accentuating flavor for a myriad of dishes. Garlic’s synergistic combination of being healthy and savory truly begs the question: why not garlic?
Then if that wasn't enough...Cayenne pepper has been used for a variety of ailments including heartburn, delirium, tremors, gout, paralysis, fever, dyspepsia, flatulence, sore throat, atonic dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, menorrhagia in women, nausea, tonsillitis, scarlet fever and diphtheria.
You sold yet? Get PICKLED GARLIC WITH CAYENNE and get happy! If you don't want the benefit of Cayenne get the Pickled Garlic With Curry!