So Coenzyme Q10 AKA Co-Q10 is very popular vitamin supplement out there and many folks are consistently asking for it and what it's all here goes the nitty gritty.
The body should already have Co-Q10 in it's body but most of us humans do not have enough. That being said we are not "deficient" but it's always good to help the body with what it needs. You can obtain Co-Q10 through meat and fish the best but oils, avocado and parsley have high levels as well. Or you can take Co-Q10 as a supplement to make sure you are getting the most possible into your body. We prefer Innate Response brand Co-Q10 because it is a trusted source of natural raw and vegan sources.
What does Co-Q10 do? Well it is an antioxidant and it heightens cell functioning. In science class they teach you cell structures and such, including the mitochondria. Here's a little reminder from school the Mitochondria is often referred to as the POWERHOUSE of the CELL because it works with Energy production, DNA production and replication for new cells, as well as cell differentiation. If you ask me, the mitochondria is the Air traffic controller of the cells, it directs it all! Co-Q10 is naturally found inside the if you give the body more of something that works the hardest on the smallest level can't be bad right?
Why use Co-Q10? So other than hooking up your mitochondria with some love, studies have found there are beneifts to your organs by giving it more of the enzyme Co-Q10. Number one reason is HEART HEALTH. It has been shown that LDL (as I call it LOWSY) cholesterol are lowered with Co-Q10. And beneficial to folks with Congestive Heart Failure. Number 2 reason is MIGRAINE sufferers. It has been shown to have a vast improvement for folks who suffer from consistent migraines and decreasing the occurences. Number 3 would be BLOOD PRESSURE LOWERING! Studies have shown blood pressure has been decreased by at least 10 mm HG on both systolic and diastolic measurements. Those are the top reasons but studies are still working on uses for Cancer treatment, infertility male and female, parkinsons disease, anti aging, diabetes, and even periodontal disease.