Come on down to High Vibe for our Young Living Essential Oil Introduction Class happening THIS coming Friday May 13 at 6 PM.
Join the Oil Revolution. Bring a friend. Come and have fun.
If you have ever wondered on how to use essential oils, what they are, and how they benefit your well being, then don't miss this informative class.
Even if you already have been to our Introduction class they are all different, and reveal new secrets and wisdom about the oils, so feel free to come again and again.
We love to see our oil enthusiasts. :)
Friday May 13 at 6:00PM Introduction Class
* Why Young Living?
* How to incorporate oils into your self-care regimen
* How to optimize your body’s natural healing processes
* How to utilize oils to support healthy body function
* How to support your emotional well-being
* How to utilize oils to support healthy body function
* how to support your emotional well-being