Go Raw bars are perfect for today’s busy lifestyles.
When it’s hard to find time to stop for a healthy snack while on the go, Go Raw bars are easy to keep on hand,
and they’ll keep you going until your next meal.
They’re also an easy way to incorporate raw foods into your diet! Choose from two sizes to suit your snacking needs.
Bar are available in either 1.7 oz or 0.5 oz.
The rich taste of banana bread is combined with all the goodness of raw foods in this power-packed Banana Bread Flax Bar. It’s a perfect choice to reach for if you’re in the mood for something sweet in the morning or to get you through the afternoon.
Perfect for breakfast on the go, the Live Granola Bar has all the flavors and nutrition, easy to transport and eat.
The live pumpkin bar is great for those who want a delicious snack that’s not too sweet. Whole sprouted pumpkin seeds give this bar a hearty crunch, while the dates keep it soft and chewy.
What’s more nutritious than dried apricots? This deliciously chewy and tart Real Live Flax Bar that packs a full seven grams of fiber in the large bar,
making it a great choice for staying full longer.
Get the benefits of the superfood spirulina in the Spirulina Energy Bar.
Sweetened with bananas and dates, this bar is a great way to start the day or tame hunger between meals.